Accent and dialect difference
Dialects encompass various elements like vocabulary, grammar, and usage norms specific to a particular region or group. They're like unique flavors of a language, shaped by communities and identities.
Accents, on the other hand, focus solely on pronunciation within a language and vary based on how words are spoken/prounounced.
Everywhere you go, there’s a blend of accents and dialects. These linguistic traits are intertwined with our cultures and traditions, influencing not just how we speak but also our behaviors and connections.
Over time, dialects evolve gradually, often starting as small differences that expand across communities. It's like the game of telephone: tiny variations in words or phrases between neighboring communities can accumulate, leading to diverse dialects with unique grammar, conversation rules, and accents.
Sometimes, these dialects become so distinct that they hinder mutual understanding between groups. This divergence can even lead to labeling them as different languages, often influenced by cultural and political factors.
For instance, those that were born in Fiji and are Indian... speak Fiji-Hindi, their dialects, and words are used differently than those from India that speak Hindi..its pure Hindi. Fiji-Hindi has some slang words in it. While those that are from fiji and speak more than one language they might have an accent. Sometimes, people hear an accent from me and they think I'm from India because I might sound like I'm from India. Nonetheless, I'm not from India, but my parents were and the language of speaking Gujarati, Fiji-Hindi and English, I have a fusion of language immersion. Since I'm from Fiji, people there spoke Gujarati but not proper fluent Gujarati, so my Gujarati is a mix of Fiji-Gujarati. In that instance, I have a dialect and accent that is different from many people.
From a broader viewpoint, language encompasses both dialect and accent. Dialects fall within the realm of language, incorporating diverse elements beyond pronunciation, while accents are the smallest category, focusing solely on how words are pronounced within a particular dialect. It's like a hierarchy where language holds everything, dialects encompass a range of linguistic elements, and accents narrow down to pronunciation variations within a specific dialect.