About the Co-Founder

My name is Akshita Kumar. I am from the Fiji Islands now living in the United States of America. I was 10 years old when I came to the USA. I speak Gujarati, Fiji Hindi & and English. I grew up speaking Gujarati, Hindi & and English. I met my husband in 2012. He speaks Fiji Hindi even though he is US-born because his parents were born in Fiji.

About Gujarati Koala Mom

When I met my husband (Neil), nor he knew how to speak Hindi fluently neither did his brothers. As time passed by, I wanted my husband to learn Gujarati language but there were no tools for him to learn Gujarati. I wanted him to study Gujarati meaning and learn Gujarati phrases. There were no Gujarati-English translation books that had a way to pronounce the words in Gujarati. Most of the materials that I was able to find were written in Sanskrit. So, the most he would do is just repeat what I have to say but that didn’t work out well to learn Gujarati speaking. Also, I knew that whenever I had a child, I would want my child to learn as many languages as they can speak fluently, especially in Hindi & Gujarati. So, when my son was born, I would read him a book in English. However, every time I read to him, I would wonder if wouldn’t it be nice to have books translated into our native language. Even though I translated books into Gujarati, I too came short of words being translated into Gujarati with English translation and meaning. I would ask this question every day, ‘How to learn Gujarati easily?’ So, I thought to myself, if no one does the translation to some of these books, I can create flashcards for some basic or everyday things to help parents teach their children to learn their mother tongue in a fun way.

I started this journey not to only educate my son and husband about the importance
of speaking multiple languages but also having a tool for other parents to pass on their native language.

Our Mission

Is to raise bilingual/ multilingual children that would open up many opportunities for them to learn and speak Gujarati and Hindi and bring success in learning language, bringing family and friends together by communicating in their native language, and passing on the culture to the next